Flower Den Friends

Waves & Wellness: Retreat to Love – Join us in Ecuador!

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An immersive tropical experience in the therapeutic modalities of energy, art, & self reflection

Escape to Ecuador for an unforgettable retreat with Flower Den & friends from May 1-7, 2025! Literally dive into a week of relaxation, creativity, and personal growth at our “Waves & Wellness: Retreat to Love” event. Nestled in breathtaking coastal scenery, surrounded by the energy of the equator, this retreat offers a unique blend of activities designed to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit. You’ll be comfortably burrowed in a safe & secluded spot between the jungle and the ocean – hand built with creativity and love.

Transformative Offerings

  • Reiki by the Sea: Feel your energy shift as you level up your mindset with positive vibrations
  • Therapeutic Art: Learn avenues to share, release, and respect your own unique path to creativity and expression.
  • Self Confidence & Reflection: Shine your light while still embracing your shadows. 
  • Cacao Ritual: Participate in opening ceremonies with cacao, intention setting, and meditation.
  • Hypnagogic Light: Meditate to light & sound with a relaxing session from Daniel’s Roxiva light. If you’ve never had this experience, you’re in for a beautiful kaleidoscope of color, sacred geometry, and sound.

Meet your Ecuador Retreat Leaders

Alchemy by the Sea Heart Centered Practices

Join our host Shenandoah Stubbs for energy healing & sound therapy. Shen’s an amazing guide at helping to process trauma with reiki and healing sessions, including sound and oracle readings.

Not only will Shen lead our cacao ceremony, she’ll also offer potion lessons where you can make your own formulas with water from the surf, essential oils, and expert guidance on intentionality and alchemy.

Most importantly, retreat guests will receive private 1 on 1 personal energy sessions with Shen to help you learn ways to trust yourself and your inner voice. 

Therapeutic Art Creative Workshops

Also hosting is Flower Den’s cofounder Angie Weeks, putting her Therapeutic Art Life Coach certification to use for your benefit. Here’s a few of the activities Angie will lead you through:

Intention Bracelets & Dream Catchers: Set your intentions and craft beautiful reminders of your journey.

Pour Painting & Rock Painting: Embrace the art of letting go, trusting, and how transformation can blossom when you’re intentional.

Beach Mandalas & Yoga: Create meditative art in the sand and practice yoga on the beach with ocean views.

Empowerment Sessions & Confidence Building

Ashton Mikayo will help attendees magnify their inner light and build confidence. She’s an inspiring photographer, creative, and innovator. Guests will enjoy:

Embodied God/dess Solo Sessions: Connect with your inner god or goddess in personalized sessions that will help you glow from the inside out!

Crown Building: Align with nature by foraging materials from the jungle to create a crown, then release it back into the ocean as a symbolic act of letting go.

Culinary Delights are included

Relax and enjoy your experience with included breakfast, lunch, and dinners – all curated with healthy local foods to nourish both your mind and body! We may attend a nearby restaurant, there are a couple of great local options with views and excellent food.

Ecuador Adventure awaits 

For all our attendees, there will still be plenty of free time to choose your own adventure. Enjoy the opportunity to engage in a variety of thrilling activities led by locals like:

  • Snorkeling
  • Kayaking
  • Horseback riding on the beach
  • Jungle tours
  • Visits to sulfurous hot springs
  • Surfing lessons 
  • Whale watching tours (season permitting)

Stay at Hermanos Perdidos Surf Hostel

Our villas are located in Las Tunas, Ecuador, and there’s space for up to 14 attendees. Most rooms will have dual occupancy, however, there are a couple rooms that sleep 3. The hostel offers a pool, hot tub, inspirational art and murals, and beautiful grounds to relax with a good book or podcast. Yes, there’s strong internet.. so you can stay connected, too! Spots are already booking up, so be sure to register early and tell your friends. 

How Much Does a Retreat in Ecuador Cost?! 

We want EVERYONE to have access to this special event, so we’ve designed tiered rates to encourage you to book early and save!

Early Bird Special

Book your spot by 11/11/2024 to enjoy our early bird price of $1977.99 per bed. After this date, the cost increases to $2388.99 if you book with a friend before 01/01/2025. Afterward, it rises to $2493.00. Don’t miss out on these savings! 

If you’d prefer an easy monthly payment plan, we’re happy to offer that too! Just fill out the form below and we’ll contact you with details.

Arrive Early and Recharge

Consider arriving a week earlier for a silent or meditative retreat from May 11-17. Take advantage of discounted rates on early bookings and enjoy additional sessions with Shen to set the perfect tone for your upcoming Waves & Wellness experience.

We hope you’ll join us for a week of connection, exploration, and rejuvenation. Secure your spot now and embark on a journey back to love and wellness. We can’t wait to welcome you to this transformative experience!

For more information and to book your place, contact us now. Spaces are limited, so act fast!

Float Therapy

Finding Happiness?!? Through Emptiness?!

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Sensory deprivation shows improvement for common health issues

We’re into the thick of The Float Conference in Denver, CO this weekend and noticing a consistent commonality from the speakers and presenters that’s totally worth sharing! Sensory deprivation, otherwise known as ‘floating’, has a positive correlation to health AND happiness 🙂

Case studies on active military, anxious executives, and people in pain are all coming back with positive results in the following areas and more:

DepressionLIBR conducted a study that proved floating activates the Nucleus Accumbens area of the brain, which helps with anhedonia, and getting excited about things again.

Anxiety – Statistics show that anxiety is significantly decreased after just ONE float session, and with every float thereafter anxiety continues to decrease. We can confirm this from personal experience! If you’re anxious and your heart won’t stop thumping.. it’s a great idea to get into the tank, it will help you stay calm well past your float session. Below is a graph from a recent study of active military:

InsomniaDr. Jerry Walker conducted a study that showed floating helped with sleeplessness. Lack of sleep is the culprit for plenty of mental, physical, and emotional issues, so it’s nice to know that floating not only helps rest & relaxation IN the tank…. but overall sleep when we’re working the daily grind.

Pain – many people have chronic, temporary, or repetitive pain they’re dealing with in some form or another. The magnesium in sensory deprivation tanks is known to help with inflammation and joint pain. Less pain = more smiles 🙂 In Dr Walker’s study, pain decreased 66% after just one sensory deprivation session; check out the comments next to the graph:

Relationships – Once the depression, anxiety, insomnia, and pain have decreased, people seem to get their lives back – leading to happier relationships 🙂 Brain activity is heightened. Couples stop arguing, military stop bar fighting, & anorexics have a better body image. Totally fascinating!

In Australia, many disabled patients who are *sick* of medications are now receiving floating as an alternative option through the health care system. Hopefully this will come to the states soon enough. Did you know that 1 in 8 Americans are taking a Benzo prescription….and they are physiologically addictive regardless if taken correctly or not?!? When reviewing the data that shows WHY people take Benzos; all of the reasons are things that floating also solves. If you know someone who has to take pills for pain or sleeping, please introduce them to floating! It could mean a better quality of life for them.

As the day carried on, more and more stats poured in on how floating also supports brain health, internal equilibrium, a better body image (literally helps anorexia), and other major issues. Kinda reminds us of CBD….if you have 99 problems… floating could quite possibly solve 76 of them. We would love to hear what floating has done for you, comment below!

If you’re in SoCal & you’d like to try sensory deprivation, check out The Float Lounge in Laguna Beach. They’re our favorites, and Dan covers shifts on occasion. He will be there Oct 2nd – 9th 2019 if you’d like to book a float and say ‘Hi’!

Float Therapy

Float Therapy – Healing Trauma & PTSD

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Floating Changes Lives

This weekend we’re at The Float Conference in Denver, CO learning everything we can about Float Therapy. The people and the presenters here are GREAT – they all have attitudes of service and to give back to our fellow humans who need healing…totally our tribe! We’d love to install a Sensory Deprivation / Float Tank in our rentals, because it will help our visitors reach a higher vibration. We want you to feel creative & happy 🙂

Our bodies are mostly water, and floating in H2O the same temperature as your body gives a literal ‘out of body experience’. Worst case it will completely relax you, best case it’ll blast you out of this world so you can look down at yourself in a whole new light and figure out some of your ‘unsolvable’ issues.

All of today’s sessions we attended were geared to military and veterans. There’s reliable and recent studies that show floating can significantly decrease the symptoms of insomnia, depression, anxiety, and chronic pain. Veterans who have suffered with PTSD for years are now realizing that “floating” helps relieve emotional pain and trauma.

Moreover, according to the Working with Military session with Beth Jones & Nicole Walcott, full Units are getting permission to float, and the VA is supporting local centers with contracts for active duty soldiers.

Gary Ferguson, who has 2 Purple Hearts, wrote ‘A Good Day to Die‘, and works with Pathways for Veterans, offered a seriously emotional session that helped us really understand the needs of hurting military and vets. He & his staff said that getting down to the subconcious mind (which floating does) is the real key to helping change things on a long term level.

Gary Ferguson & Helena Reilly discussing the benefits of floating and subconcious reprogramming for PTSD.

Float owners & employees have a tough job sometimes, helping hold space for all of us when we have a powerful float that stirs our emotions. Where do you like to float? Who deserves mad props for listening to your story??Would love for you to give a shout out to your favorite center in the comments below.

Our favorite Float Center in Southern California is The Float Lounge in Laguna Beach – if you check it out tell Jeff & Rosie that Flower Den sent ya!