Float Therapy – Healing Trauma & PTSD
Posted onFloating Changes Lives
This weekend we’re at The Float Conference in Denver, CO learning everything we can about Float Therapy. The people and the presenters here are GREAT – they all have attitudes of service and to give back to our fellow humans who need healing…totally our tribe! We’d love to install a Sensory Deprivation / Float Tank in our rentals, because it will help our visitors reach a higher vibration. We want you to feel creative & happy 🙂
Our bodies are mostly water, and floating in H2O the same temperature as your body gives a literal ‘out of body experience’. Worst case it will completely relax you, best case it’ll blast you out of this world so you can look down at yourself in a whole new light and figure out some of your ‘unsolvable’ issues.
All of today’s sessions we attended were geared to military and veterans. There’s reliable and recent studies that show floating can significantly decrease the symptoms of insomnia, depression, anxiety, and chronic pain. Veterans who have suffered with PTSD for years are now realizing that “floating” helps relieve emotional pain and trauma.
Moreover, according to the Working with Military session with Beth Jones & Nicole Walcott, full Units are getting permission to float, and the VA is supporting local centers with contracts for active duty soldiers.
Gary Ferguson, who has 2 Purple Hearts, wrote ‘A Good Day to Die‘, and works with Pathways for Veterans, offered a seriously emotional session that helped us really understand the needs of hurting military and vets. He & his staff said that getting down to the subconcious mind (which floating does) is the real key to helping change things on a long term level.

Float owners & employees have a tough job sometimes, helping hold space for all of us when we have a powerful float that stirs our emotions. Where do you like to float? Who deserves mad props for listening to your story??Would love for you to give a shout out to your favorite center in the comments below.
Our favorite Float Center in Southern California is The Float Lounge in Laguna Beach – if you check it out tell Jeff & Rosie that Flower Den sent ya!